MERGE! Internship Program

About MERGE!

Make an impact in your city, state, nation, and world. It is the heart of WOW Ministries International to champion the next generation. The MERGE! Internship Program allows college and post-college students to “MERGE!” into that calling. One way to do this is to use your gifting to join the movement and momentum that God has brought to WOW.

WOW Ministries International is looking for caring and competent interns who have a passion for this generation and the body of Christ. At WOW, we have been honored to come alongside students of the future church, seeing them enter their vocation in ministry and the marketplace with confidence and excellence: all for His Kingdom.

With MERGE! internships and volunteer positions available in a variety of areas, the MERGE! Internship Program has a heart to use every student’s individual giftings, major, desires, and passions to offer a customized internship.

It’s your time to MERGE!